De nuestra consideración.
Visto y considerando que no se cuenta con un listado de motores para utilizar en la Categoría Guardia Vieja Motor, volvemos al particular para presentar a la Federacion y clubes afiliados un listado de motores, el cual ya se había enviado en su oportunidad, hace aproximadamente 4 años, esperando que con ello ayudaremos a dilucidar el punto en cuestión, que es contar con una lista autorizada y evitar los problemas que acarrea al Director de Concurso, no contar con un listado debidamente autorizado.
Criterios para la seleccción:
1º - Ampliar el parque disponible.
2º - No alterar demasiado las características de los motores con relación con los actualmente en uso, tomando como parámetro los mas potentes, por ejemplo "Oliver 2.5" y "K y B" cabeza verde.
3º - Experimentar acercando los antecedentes de las categorías de la N.F.F.S, de USA, hasta observar la evolución de Guardia Vieja Motor en lo que respecta a participantes y no que resulte solamente en el recambio mecánica de los actuales concursantes.
4º - No perjudicar a los aeromodelistas que usan motores modernos creados especialmente para la categoría, ejemplo COX.
Motores Autorizados en General
1 - Todos los producidos hasta 1955 y anteriores.
2 - Todos los producidos con posterioridad basados en los anteriores, sin modificaciones importantes.
3 - Replicas actuales de motores autorizados, excepto los que modifica los materiales del cilindro, por ejemplo cambio de hierro a aluminio.
4 - Producción posterior a 1955 y hasta 1962 con la siguientes condiciones
- Cigüeñal / carter en buje.
- Lumbrera de admisión Standard
- Cilindro de hierro (acero) integral con aletas de refrigeración.
Bolillero, ninguno.
NO Perry.
NO A.B.C. / A.B.N. / A.A.C.
5 - Motores con admisión trasera con válvula atmosférica tipo vibrador (RED), originales (sin modificaciones o adaptaciones)
6 - Algunos especialmente aceptados que no encuadren en los ítems anteriores.
Encendido: GLOW PLUG
- ANDERSON Todos (ver anexo 1 lista N.F.F.S.)
-COX Babe Bee / Golden Bee / Black Widow / Space Bug / Thermal Hopper /Space Hopper / 290 / Killer Dee / Sportsman y Olympic . 15 / Tee Dee .02 / Medallon .049 únicamente cilindro con escape de ranura (4)
NO AUTORIZADO: Tee Dee .49/ .15, COX Special y Medallón todos excepto el modelo mencionado especialmente. Tambien se prohiben los motores mencionados si utilizan cilindro de Tee-Dee. (By Pass y Lumbrera con dos Boost)
- ENYA .049 a .15 I y II. / .19 y mas solamente primer modelo, con buje.
- ETA .19 / .29
- FOX Todos excepto los de venturi rectangular, no fundido con el carter y/o con bolillero.
- HORNET .019 / .060
- JOHNSON .09 / .29 / .35 con buje y camisa con aletas de acero integral.
- K. y B. TORPEDO Idem N.F.F.S.
- MC COY Idem N.F.F.S. menos BLUE HEAD y CUSTOM.
- MERCA Idem N.F.F.S.
- OHLSSON Todos.
- ORWICK Idem N.F.F.S.
- O.S. unicamente con buje y cilindro con aleta de acero. Excepcion admitida Pet .09
- SUPER TIGRE Pre 1957 .15 / .29 / .35 con ventura vertical y carter sin tapa posterior cono sin rulemanes.
- VECO Idem N.F.F.S.
- WEN MAC Idem N.F.F.S.
- OTROS Idem N.F.F.S. mas E.D.Racer 2.5 Glow.
Hector R.Bandoni
Jose Ledezma
Model Eligibility.
Eligible Ignition Engines. Nostalgia Gas
2. Approved replicas and certain recently manufactured ignition engines. Examples are: Morrill
Hornet 19 and Simplex 25; J&J Torpedo 29 and 32; Wahl Bunch Tiger, Brown, Gold Seal and
Hurleman; MG and RJL Forster front intake 29 and 35; Orwicks by Dunham and Kustom Kraft;
Spielmaker Golden Eagle Megow 19 and Bantam 16; Edco 65, Super Cyclone, 1949 McCoy and
Bantam 19 replicas; Remco 29; Shilen K&B Torpedo, Orr.
3. 3.Glow engines produced during the ignition-glow transition period, offered in either version and
converted to ignition. Examples: Ohlsson, 1948 Torpedo, Mighty Midget, twin-stack Torpedo
Special, Atwood, Bullet, Orwick, Forster, Bantam, McCoy 36 Sportsman Jr. and 55 Sportsman
Sr., Anderson Spitfire.
Ineligible Ignition Engines. Other glow engines converted to ignition; Shilen Old Timer 19.
Rules Clarification: Nostalgia Glow Plugs
The NFFS Nostalgia Committee recently issued a clarification on acceptable glow plugs for Nostalgia competition. This clarification resulted from questions concerning legality of certain plugs.
The ruling, as contained in the NFFS Nostalgia Rulebook 2007-2008, reads as follows: "Any screw-in glow plug, including GloBee and Nelson, with a vertical element, is legal for use on any Nostalgia engine. Note: The flat-coil GloBee head (insert/button type with flat element and any facsimile thereof) is allowed for use only in the Cox 0.020 family of engines."
The 2007-2007 Nostalgia Rules Book, Version No. 10, has just been published. In addition to rules for all Nostalgia Gas events and an updated list of eligible engines, the book contains rules for Nostalgia Rubber and Classic Towline rules plus updated list of eligible engines. A separate list of eligible model designs is included.
Order your copy of the rules and design list from NFFS Publications Services, c/o Bob Stalick, PO Box 1775, Albany, OR 97321 Cost is $5 postpaid.
Original Spark Ignition Engines
ALKO 7.5cc | Jaroslav Rybak | Kpt. Nalepky 45; 568 02 SVITAVY; Czech Repb |
ANDERSON SPITFIRE 60 &65 | Marvin Miller | 250 Bronco Rd. Soquel, CA 95073 |
ATOM A | Woody Bartelt | 3706 N. 33rd St. Galesburg, MI 49053 |
Baby Cyclone | Woody Bartelt | 3706 N. 33rd St. Galesburg, MI 49053 |
BANTAM 19 | Model Av. Hist. Soc/Joe Wagner | 16 Glenwood Ave. #4 Norwalk, CT 06854 |
BARRETT BANSHEE 64 | Peter Mann | 36 Sydenham St. Guelph,ONT,Canada N1H 2W4 |
BRAT | Karl Carlson | 14600 Ramstad Dr. San Jose, CA 95127 |
BROWN JR. | Herb Wahl | PO Box 61 Rt. 87 Forksville, PA 18616 |
BUNCH TIGER .45 | Herb Wahl | PO Box 61 Rt. 87 Forksville, PA 18616 |
BUS 10 cc | Jaroslav Rybak | Kpt. Nalepky 45; 568 02 SVITAVY; Czech Repb |
CUNNINGHAM BLUESTREAK | RJL Industries | PO Box 5 Sierra Madre, CA 91025 |
EDCO SKY DEVIL 65 | Terry Toups (Deceased) | No longer produced |
FORSTER 29,35,&99 | RJL Industries | PO Box 5 Sierra Madre, CA 91025 |
GOLDEN EAGLE 53 | Carl Spielmaker | 4690 Burlingame SW Wyoming, MI 49509 |
HORNET 19 | John Morrill | 143 Richmond St. El Segundo, CA 90245 |
HORNET 29 | Woody Bartelt | 3706 N. 33rd St. Galesburg, MI 49053 |
HORNET 60 | Woody Bartelt | 3706 N. 33rd St. Galesburg, MI 49053 |
HURLMAN 49 & TWIN | Herb Wahl | PO Box 61 Rt. 87 Forksville, PA 18616 |
Jenno O/T 19 | Larry Jenno | 4341 Flandes St. Las Vegas, NV 89121 |
LETNA 6.3cc | Jaroslav Rybak | Kpt. Nalepky 45; 568 02 SVITAVY; Czech Repb |
LYKENS BROWN | Woody Bartelt | 3706 N. 33rd St. Galesburg, MI 49053 |
McCOY 60 | Woody Bartelt | 3706 N. 33rd St. Galesburg, MI 49053 |
McCOY 29 | Ed Solenberger | 1551 Lynn Court Santa Rosa, CA 95405 |
MECHANAIR 45 | Dunham | No longer produced |
MEGOW 19 | Carl Spielmaker | 4690 Burlingame SW Wyoming, MI 49509 |
OHLSSON 12 | Larry Jenno | 4341 Flandes St. Las Vegas, NV 89121 |
OHLSSON GOLDSEAL | Herb Wahl | PO Box 61 Rt. 87 Forksville, PA 18616 |
OLD TIMER 19 | Ed Shilen | 205 Metro Park Blvd. Box 1300 Ennis, TX 75119 |
ORR 65 | Larry Jenno | 4341 Flandes St. Las Vegas, NV 89121 |
ORWICK 64 | Bill Daniel | 8165 Castenada Rd. Atascadero, CA 93422 |
ORWICK 23,29 &64 | Kustom Kraftsmanship | PO Box 3010 Fallbrook, CA 92028 |
ORWICK 29, 32, 64 &73 | Dunham | No longer produced |
O.S. TYPE 6 64 | O.S.Max/Great Planes | PO Box 9021 Champaign, IL 61826 |
RANGER B | Woody Bartelt | 3706 N. 33rd St. Galesburg, MI 49053 |
REMCO 29 | M & G Engines | PO Box 6026 Denver, CO 80206 |
REMCO ANDERSON | M & G Engines | PO Box 6026 Denver, CO 80206 |
REMCO CYKE | M & G Engines | PO Box 6026 Denver, CO 80206 |
SIMPLEX 25 | John Morrill | 143 Richmond St. El Segundo, CA 90245 |
SPIELMAKER 60 | Carl Spielmaker | 4690 Burlingame SW Wyoming, MI 49509 |
SUPER CYCLONE | Appollo Motors/Walt Huhn | 665 Chaparro Rd. Covina, CA 91724 |
TORPEDO 24, 29 & 32 | Ed Shilen | 205 Metro Park Blvd. Box 1300 Ennis, TX 75119 |
Original Compression Ignition-Diesel | ||
DEEZEL 12cc | Gordon Burford | 86 Tierney Dr. Currombin, Queensland, Aust 4223 |
DEEZEL 12cc | CS/Don Belote | 15731 Five Points Road Perrysburg, OH 43551 |
DEEZEL 12cc | CS/Eric Clutton | 913 Cedar Lane, Tullahoma, TN 37388 |
ELFIN 2.49 cc | Argo/John Targos | 3229 Dianora Dr. Palos Verdies, CA 90274 |
ELFIN 2.49 cc | CS/Aerodyne | 1924 E. Edinger Santa Ana, CA 92705 |
ELFIN 2.49 cc | Dunham | No longer produced |
ELFIN 2.49 cc | Gordon Burford | 86 Tierney Dr. Currombin, Queensland, Aust 4223 |
E.D. HUNTER 3.25cc | CS/Aerodyne | 1924 E. Edinger Santa Ana, CA 92705 |
E.D. HUNTER 3.46cc | CS/Aerodyne | 1924 E. Edinger Santa Ana, CA 92705 |
MICRO 2cc | AH/Don Belote | 15731 Five Points Road Perrysburg, OH 43551 |
MILLS .075 cu. in. | Irvine/Hobbico | PO Box 9021 Champaign, IL 61826 |
Mills 1.5cc | Aurora/Aerodyne | 1924 E. Edinger Santa Ana, CA 92705 |
SUPER ATOM 1.8cc | Rybak/Aerodyne | 1924 E. Edinger Santa Ana, CA 92705 |
SUPER ATOM 1.8cc | Rybak/Edlon Breazier | 1130 N. Pine Kingman, KS 67068 |
SWISS DYNO 2cc | AH/Darrel Peugh | 10009 Carmelita Dr. Potomac, MD 20854 |
VALKYRIE .33 cu. in. | Dunham | No longer produced |
SAM Legal Pre-1950 Original Diesel Engines | ||
Air-O-Diesel 0.27 | Eisfeid DV 2 6cc | ACE 0.5cc (1948) |
Arden .09/.19 Conversion | Eisfeid DV 3 2.5cc | AMCO 0.87cc MK I (1947) |
C.I.E. 0.144 (1947) | Kemmerling 5cc | AMCO 0.87cc MK I I (1948) |
Deezil 0.125 (1946) | Ridi 2.2cc (1949) | Aerol Sup Hurrican 2cc (1948)* |
Delong 0.29 (1947) | Airstar 2.15cc (1948) | |
Drone PB 0.297 (1947) | ITALY | Allbon 2.8cc (1948) |
Drone BB 0.297 (1948) | Alcar 5cc (1945) | Allbon 2.8cc Mk II (1948) |
Micro 0.13 (1947) | A5 5cc | Amco 3.5cc PB Mk I (1949) |
Mite 0.099 (1947) | Antares 4 4cc (1944/45) | B.M.P 0.9cc (1948) |
Speed Demon 0.30 | Automatic 4 4cc (1943) | B.M.P.21 3.5cc (1947) |
Vivel .035/.099 (1948) | Delta 2cc (1947/48) | Clansman 5cc (1946) |
Elia 4.2cc (1946/47) | D.C. Wildcat Mk I (1947) | |
AUSTRALIA | Elica (1947) | D.C. Wildcat Mk II (1948) |
G.B.50 "Stunta Mota" | Eolo 5cc (1946) | D.C. Wildcat Mk III (1949) |
G.B.50 "Stunta Mota"Mk II | Folgore L.N.2 2.04cc (1946) | Dyne "2" 2cc (1947) |
G.B.250 2.5 | Giglio 2cc (1945) | Dyne "3" 3cc (1947) |
Ghezzi 4cc | Dyne "3" 3cc Mk 5 (1949) | |
CZECHOSLOVAKIA | Helium M.B.6 6cc (1946) | E.D. Bee Mk I 1cc (1948) |
Husicka 2.5cc | Helium C.6 6.3cc (1946) | E.D. Mk II 2cc (1947) |
Letmo M.D. 2.5cc | Mancini Alfa 1 1.8cc (1945) | E.D. Comp Spcl. 2cc (1948) |
Letmo M.D.3 2.7cc | Mancini M.20E 3.68cc (1944) | E.D. Mk III 2.49cc (1949) |
Moucha Atom 1.8cc | Movo D.2 2cc (1944) | E.D. Mk IV Hunter 3.46cc (1949) |
Moucha Super Atom 1.8cc | OSAM (Super Tigre) G.18 3.5cc | Electra 2cc (1946) |
Moucha S. Atom Major 3.5cc | OSAM G.9 5cc | Elfin 1.8cc PB (1948) |
NV-21 2.1cc | OSAM G.13 5.29cc (1943) | Elfin 2.49cc (1949) |
Septacek 2cc | OSAM G.14 5.65cc (1946) | E.R.E. 2.48cc (1948) |
S.E. Titano 3.5cc (1948) | ETA 5 (1947) | |
DENMARK | Uranio 4cc (1948) | ETA 5 Type R (Red head)(1948) |
Ceros 3.5cc | Vantini 7.5cc (1945) | Frog 100 Mk I 1cc (1947) |
Disella 2.4cc | Frog 100 Mk II 1cc | |
Mikro I 2.0cc | LUXEMBURG | Frog 180 1.6cc (1948) |
Mikro II 2.0cc | Retro 2.5cc (1949) | G.H.G. 2cc Mk I (1946) |
Monsun 2.4cc | G.H.G. 2.4cc (1948) | |
Thorning Bensen 1A 2.5cc | NEW ZEALAND | *Also Known as Gremlin |
Thorning 3 2.5cc | Pepperel 1.6cc (1949) | Hallman 2.5cc (1948) |
Thorning 3.5cc | Pepperel 2cc (1946) | H.P. Mk III ser I 4cc (1947) |
Viking 2.4cc | Pepperel 5cc | H.P. Mk III ser II 4cc (1947) |
H.P. IX 3.4/3.9cc (1948) | ||
FRANCE | NORWAY | Jagra Dyne 3cc (1949) |
Airplan "Normandie" 5cc (1945) | David Andersen 2.5cc (late 40's) | Kapler 0.3cc MK I (1949) |
Airplan 2.15cc (1947) | Diesel 2.4cc (1946) | Kapler 0.3cc MK II (1949?) |
Allouchery 0.7cc (1948) | David Andersen 3.5cc (1944) | K Falcon 1.96cc (1949) |
Allouchery 1.25cc (1948) | K Falcon Mk II 2.37cc (1949) | |
Allouchery 3cc (1945) | POLAND | K Falcon Mk II 2.5cc (1949) |
Allouchery 4cc (1945) | Fegad 2 2.38cc (1946) | K Kestrel 1.9cc (1949) |
Bos Morin 3.5cc (1947) | Gado III 3cc (1946) | K Tornado 1.9cc |
Bonnier Type A 5cc (1945) | SIM-2 2.76cc | K Vulture I 5cc (1948) |
Bonnier Type B 5cc | K Vulture II 5cc (1949) | |
Comete Jr. 5A 5.3cc (1945) | SWEDEN | K Vulture Mk III 5cc (1949) |
Delmo 2.56cc (1945) | G.P. 1001 1cc (1949) | Kemp 4.4cc (1947) |
Delmo 3.5cc (1946) | G.P. 1.5cc (1944) | Leesil 2.4cc (1946/47) |
Delmo, Super 5cc (1946) | Komet 2.68cc (1946) | Maddox Mite 1.7cc (late 40's) |
D.O.B. 5cc (1946) | Rogstadius 2cc (1943) | Majesco 2cc (1946) |
Jide 8 1.7cc (1945) | Vasteras-diesein 2cc (1944) | Majesco 2.2cc (1947) |
Jide 12 3cc (1946) | Majesco 0.7cc (1948) | |
Maraget Meteore 1.7cc (1946) | SWITZERLAND | Masco Buzzard 2.8cc (1949) |
Maraget 3cc (1945) | Dyno 2cc (1942) | Masco 5cc (1947) |
Maraget 4.8cc (Twin) (1945) | M.E.C. 1.2 & 2cc (1949) | |
Maraget M5 5cc (1945) | Mills Mk I &II 0.75cc (1948) | |
M.G. 5cc (1946) | Mills Mk I 1.3cc (1946-48) | |
M.G. 5cc (1946) | Mills Mk II 1.3cc (1948) | |
Marquet 5cc (1948) | Mills Mk III 1.3cc (1949) | |
Micromoteur 1.9cc (1949) | Mills Mk I &II 0.75cc (1948) | |
Micron 0.8cc (1948) | (ser. No. Starting with 26460) | |
Micron 0.9cc (1948?) | Mills 2.4cc (1948) | |
Micron 2.47cc (1945) | M.S. 1.2cc (1949) | |
Micron 2.8cc (1945) | M.S. 2.5cc (1948) | |
Micron 5cc (1948) | Oliver Battleax 2cc (1947) | |
Micron 5AA 5cc (1943) | Oliver Fury 2cc | |
Morin 47 4cc (1946) | Oliver Fury 2.5cc | |
Morin 81 5cc (1946) | Oliver Jaguar 2.5cc (1948) | |
Ouragan 2.8cc (1946) | Oliver Panther (1949) | |
Ouragan 3.3cc (1946) | Oliver Tiger Mk I 2.5cc (1949) | |
Rambaud 5cc (1946) | OWAT 5cc (1946) | |
S.T.A.B. 3.52cc (1945) | Premier Lionheart 2.48cc (1949) | |
Rapier 3cc (1948) | ||
Rawlings 18 1.8cc (1948) | ||
Rawlings 30 3.0cc (1948) | ||
Reeves 1.8cc (1947) | ||
Reeves 3.4cc (1947) | ||
Weston 'B' 3.5cc (1948) | ||
Weston 'C' 5cc (1948) | ||
Weston 'D' 5cc (Twin) (1948) |
As of June 21, 2003 Compiled by Dick Huang. Some data provided by D S Larkin
Woody Bartelt's McCoy 60 Replica added per Engine Review Committee 27 May 2006