El tiempo libre alcanza su mayor potencialidad cuando se convierte en fundamento del desarrollo de la libertad

BMFA Free Flight Forum Report

The BMFA Free-Flight Forum Reports have been published annually since 1985 and present the papers given at the Free-Flight Forum sessions, held originally in London at each New Year but now following the BMFA's AGM in November.

They provide a source of in depth information on the techniques and philosophy of current competition free-flight that usually receives little coverage in the commercial model press.

Proceeds from sales help to defray the costs incurred by the team members selected to represent the United Kingdom in World and European Championships

Back issues are available or can be quickly reprinted to order.

Martin Dlly wrote me saying...

"...Thank you for mentioning the BMFA Free Flight Forum Reports. However they are all still available (back to 1985!) from me.

the contents of all are listed here
the prices are here

Thank you and thermals !
See you in 2011 at the World Championships

Martin Dilly ..."

The following paper was one of seven published in the 1997
BMFA Free-Flight Forum Report.


By Chris Edge and Martin Gregorie

Volar Libremente

El aeromodelismo de vuelo libre, nos enseña que cada detalle, cada ajuste, es crucial. Cada modelo es al mismo tiempo una maquina voladora y una obra de arte destinada a funcionar en un universo de variables infinitas. Al que dejamos escapar de nuestras manos, esperando que con buena suerte retorne con nosotros... Leer la nota completa
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